Digital Radiography

Dental radiologist and happy customer both giving the thumbs up hand signal

Digital Radiography in Burlington is the future of dentistry. We are proud to offer this service to our patients, and we’re confident that it will provide you with better care than ever before. Our team is committed to providing exceptional dental services in Burlington, so if you have any questions or concerns about digital radiography please don’t hesitate to ask us!

Digital radiography is a type of digital imaging technology. It uses x-rays to produce images that do require archiving on film or paper media like traditional X rays do. This makes them popular for storing and transporting these high quality views in medical settings where space might not always permit other methods.

You can rest assured knowing that your oral health is in good hands at Dentistry at The Grove in Burlington. We look forward to seeing you soon! Schedule an appointment today

We’re here to help. We offer the latest technology and services for all your dental needs. Our patients love us because we provide exceptional care and an enjoyable experience every time they visit our dental office in Burlington. You can trust that you’ll receive the best possible treatment when you come to see Dr.Niromi or Dr. C. R. Fernando