How do I find the Best Burlington Dentist for me?

Oct 26, 2020

If you are looking to find the best Burlington Dentist, you may be overwhelmed by all of the options. Perhaps you’re new to the area or maybe your previous dentist has retired or closed his or her practice. Whatever the reason, you and your family deserve the best dental care possible. The good news is that our area of Ontario has a great selection of qualified, caring dentists. So, how do you decide on a new dentist? Below are a few key points to consider:

What to consider when choosing a Burlington Dentist

1. Communication style. At Dentistry at the Grove, we always have time for our patients. Whether it’s a friendly chat or a more in-depth dive into why you may have dental anxiety, our dentists will have an open mind and a friendly ear. It’s just human nature that we get along with some people more than others. Sometimes our personality meshes well with another person’s, and sometimes it just doesn’t. That applies to dentists, also. If two dental professionals are equally qualified, you may find that you just get along better with one than another. To see whom you communicate best with, schedule a “meet and greet” consultation with your prospective dentist. Most will happily make time for prospective clients.

2. Treatment philosophy. Dentists, like all of us, are shaped by our past experiences. For dental professionals, that means that they are more likely to recommend treatment options that they’ve seen work well for patients in the past. There is no absolute right answer, and often there can be a wide range of options available to you. It is our treatment philosophy to be able to present you with all the possible options you may have and help answer any of your questions until you are completely comfortable.

3. Credentials and reputation. Of course, having the proper credentials and a good reputation is very important in a dentist. You can check on a prospective dentist and see a listing of dentists in your area by visiting the Ontario Dental Association website. Dr’s Fernando are not only members of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and the Ontario Dental Association but they believe strongly in continuing their dental education journey and have become members of various organizations such as the Academy of General Dentistry and American Academy of Clear Aligners.

4. Hours and insurance. Once you’ve found a person with whom you can work well, it’s time to address the practical things like whether they will work with your dental plan and whether the dental office is open during hours that are convenient to you and your family. For example, if you work during the day, Monday through Friday, you’ll want a dentist who is available on weekends or in the evening. We realize that life rarely follows a 9 am – 5 pm format these days and Dentistry at The Grove understands that offering weekend and evening appointments is important to our patients. Our location also offers ample and free parking as well as some lovely restaurants to enjoy a coffee after your appointment! 

We also try our very best to help our patients navigate the confusing world of dental insurance.

Finding a Burlington dentist with whom you can work for years to come may take a little time and effort, but you’ll be rewarded with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family’s dental health is in good hands now and in the future.

At Grove Dentistry in Burlington, we care about you and your family’s dental health. To learn whether we’re a good fit for your family and to book a free consultation or contact us. We look forward to meeting you!

We Accept New Patients

At Dentistry at the Grove, your smile is our top priority. Our modern dental practice is
your destination for top-notch oral care in a welcoming environment. From routine
check-ups and cleanings to advanced procedures and smile makeovers, our skilled team is committed to enhancing your dental health and confidence. With cutting-edge technology and personalized treatment plans, we strive to exceed your expectations at every visit. Your comfort and satisfaction are paramount to us, and we take pride in delivering gentle, compassionate care to patients of all ages.

Let us help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve.

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We Accept New Patients

At Dentistry at the Grove, your smile is our top priority. Our modern dental practice is
your destination for top-notch oral care in a welcoming environment. From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced procedures and smile makeovers, our skilled team is committed to enhancing your dental health and confidence. With cutting-edge technology and personalized treatment plans, we strive to exceed your expectations at every visit.

Your comfort and satisfaction are paramount to us, and we take pride in delivering gentle, compassionate care to patients of all ages.